Injot Vision
We visualise a self-reliant Adivasi society with a life of dignity through preservation of ancestral heritage, and social, economic and political empowerment.
Injot Mission
Empower the Adivasi community of Assam to make informed choices for a progressive future through
- interventions for healing of generational trauma,
- an all-rounded educational approach for children, youth and adults,
- and promotion of and training in livelihood alternatives and enterprise.
Core Values
- Inclusion: While our focus is on the Adivasi community, we include and invite people from diverse communities, genders and abilities in our programs, and believe in inclusion of all stake-holders in finding solutions to problems
- Integrity: Integrity in all our work, our behaviour towards one another and our commitment
- Empathy: Injot makes an effort to understand the community’s thoughts and feelings, hears their voices from their perspective and hence every interventional activity is planned according to their needs and aspirations.
- Transparency: Transparency in projects, processes and communication