Injot Livelihood


Injot believes in becoming the bridge between the Government and the community when it comes to livelihood. Any government welfare scheme can only be truly successful if the community is able to access and avail, and is empowered to implement it effectively. Many a time members of the community are unable to access the schemes due to lack of information and as well as hesitation in completing various processes.  The reason could be literary challenges or skill based challenges.

Injot intends to minimise this gap by facilitating the accurate flow of information through various government departments, supporting and taking support from various government representatives at community level and providing necessary guidance and training to community members to avail what is already available to them. 

Some of our livelihood related work so far:


Injot facilitated of renewal of old and issuance of new MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) job cards in Kamrup and Kokrajhar districts. Especially during distressing times due to the impact of Covid 19, members of the community who were employed as daily wagers have had to face severe shortage of income sources. The MGNREGA job cards ensure that the people in rural areas receive at least 100 days of employment in a year through various government programs. 

Social Assistance Program

Injot facilitates application and issuance of widow pension cards, old age pension cards and various other social assistance programs in Kamrup and Kokrajhar districts. Our first job is to identify people in the community who qualify for the specific scheme with the help of our community volunteers. After that, our volunteers would support the community members by explaining the processes, timelines, informing about the contact persons in accurate departments, and helping in filling up necessary forms. Our volunteers also support by submitting forms for members who face challenges due to old age, any disability or  illiteracy, by accompanying the beneficiaries to the Gram Panchayat office. 

Self Help Groups

Injot facilitated the formation of two Self Help Groups with members from the Adivasi community – Injot Dahar and Injot Jharia, and helped in the revival of a heterogenous Self Help Group Jagaran in Amsing Jorabat (Kamrup Metro) by organising orientation meetings and trainings with our Founder Director, members of ASRLM, SIPRD and other government agencies. These Self Help Groups are now beginning to plan and prepare for various income generating activities. Injot team monitors the progress of these SHGs and intervenes if necessary. We also actively connect the groups to various training opportunities provided by the government and take support of the Jeevika Sakhi of the region. We are now expanding and planning the SHG related work in Kokrajhar district as well. 

Livelihood Training

Besides mentoring the Self Help Groups, Injot has been facilitating several livelihood training programs to individual community members in poultry farming, piggery management and other non-farming economic activities. We facilitate these trainings through government agencies and experts are called in to deliver the programs for community members. We are also exploring non-governmental training sessions and will be starting training programs in other income generation activities like bee keeping, mushroom cultivation, pickle and jam making, tailoring, knitting, embroidery etc. 

Economic Activities for Community Entrepreneurs and Educated Youth

Facilitated formation of youth groups under AAY (Atal Atmasansthapan Yojana) for economic activities, and provided guidance in applying for government schemes like IBS (Individual Beneficiary Scheme) and Dayal Das Panika Self-employment Financial Assistance. All applicants have received the assistance.